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Do I need a training 121 or a behaviour consultation package? Training sessions focus on teaching dogs new skills, such as recall, tricks or ‘house manners’. They are ideal for teaching your new puppy or rescue dog new skills, refreshing your older dog’s training, or introducing new tricks and games. Training sessions are not appropriate for working on emotional or behavioural problems, such as anxiety, fear, barking or aggression. Problematic behaviours require in-depth behaviour consultations, which assess the underlying causes behind your dog’s anxiety or problematic behaviour and develop a behaviour modification protocol. This protocol will work to modify emotional associations and behavioural reactions to identified triggers, teach and reinforce new coping skills, and promote resilience, relationship and communication.

What happens during a training session? During a training session, we will discuss your training goals and your dog’s own learning style and challenges. We will then develop a step-by-step training plan to teach your dog new skills over time. Follow-up sessions are not always necessary for training 121s, but can help to introduce new skills, proof the training around distractions or troubleshoot any issues.

What happens during a behaviour consultation? Prior to commencing behaviour consultations, veterinary referral will be sought. Research shows that many behavioural problems are caused or influenced by pain, so it is important that any dogs with behavioural problems have received a recent veterinary examination before commencing consultations. Veterinary referral also allows for any potential contributing conditions or medications to be brought to my attention so I can ensure any medical needs are factored in. During the initial behaviour consultation, I will observe and assess your dog, gain a behavioural history and discuss any contributing factors and circumstances behind your dog’s behaviour. We will also talk about the challenges or concerns you have with your dog’s behaviour, and the impact of these problems on your dog’s welfare. We will develop a tailored behaviour modification protocol, which will work to change your dog’s behaviour over time by modifying the underlying causes, emotional associations and reactions. The behaviour modification protocol will also manage your dog’s environment to reduce their stress and prevent rehearsal of problematic behaviour. A detailed protocol will be sent to you after your first session, and you can ask questions at any time between sessions. More complex behaviour cases, or cases with aggression or severe anxiety will need more follow-up sessions than less complex behaviour cases, to ensure sufficient progress is being made and any challenges or obstacles are addressed promptly.

What methods do you use? I use modern, reward-based and ethical methods to relieve your dog’s anxiety, fear or frustration and increase their confidence, resilience and coping skills. Training sessions and behaviour consultations develop long term plans that work to help you teach your dog new skills, manage undesirable behaviour, reduce your dog’s stress, target underlying causes of anxiety/fear/frustration and build a trusting, communicative and conflict-free relationship between you and your dog.

Can you train my dog for me or offer residential training? No, all training and behaviour modification protocols are designed for you to implement with my support. Training and behaviour modification take time and consistency, so it’s very important you have the knowledge and skills to help your dog going onwards. For long-term success, it is vital that you are involved in your dog’s training or behaviour modification over time, and that your dog is learning and solidifying their new behavioural habits in their own home environment.

Do you come to me, or do I come to you? Except for separation anxiety cases (usually conducted on Zoom) or out-of-area cases, behaviour consultations and training sessions will be undertaken at your home. They may also incorporate walks in your local area.

What area do you cover? Within around 20 miles of Brighton and Hove.

Do you run classes? No. This is something we used to offer, but training is now focused on 121 sessions in your home so that the plan can be tailored to your specific dog, and without the distracting influence of an exciting or overwhelming class environment.

Do you offer quick fixes/guarantees? Offering guarantees and quick fixes would be unethical and give you unrealistic expectations. There are a multitude of influences behind dog behaviour, including but not limited to an individual dog’s genetics, development, environment, learning history, capacity for learning and their physical and psychological health. Rate of improvement is also heavily influenced by the amount of time, work and consistency you are able to put into the protocol. If you do encounter any canine professional offering guaranteed quick fixes, this is an indication that they will likely be using unethical methods focused on causing physical or emotional pain or distress to dogs to achieve short-term changes that do not promote emotional health, welfare or long-lasting behavioural change.

Do you offer support between sessions? Absolutely, so please use it! All behaviour consultation packages come with between-session support included, so please do keep me updated with your dog’s progress, and any questions or concerns you may have along the way. Behaviour change is an ongoing progress and sometimes does require tweaking along the way, so using your follow-up support as much as you need will help improve the speed and success of behaviour modification or training.

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